Environmental Science & Engineering Solutions for Government, Business and Industry
Welcome to the home page for Aerocomp, a science and engineering firm specialized in assessing the needs of industry and suggesting courses of action. Aerocomp has been providing environmental management programs since 1975.
Welcome to
Aerocomp Inc.

We are an accomplished leader with expertise in pollutant-source characterization, in the dispersion/transport of pollution and mathematical simulation of plant emissions. Services in this field include environmental audits, risk assessments, industrial hygiene, meteorology, hydrology, source testing, and expert testimony.

We also conduct training seminars and workshops related to environmental management. Aerocomp helps clients understand and meet the new local, state, and federal environmental regulations to avoid costly fines and litigation.
We can offer cost-effective solutions to complicated environmental problems.
Aerocomp, Inc. is enrolled in the Simplified Acquisition Program of the US Government.
Our mission:
Our goal of 45 years in the business has been to provide optimal technical solutions at the lowest competitive price.