Source Testing
Aerocomp personnel perform stack testing as a means of quantifying plant emissions to the atmosphere. This may be done for regulatory compliance or to provide input for mathematical models in support of environmental audits and risk assessments. During a site survey, our trained personnel observe the layout of the sources and determine the methods to be used in quantifying emissions.

We are experts in the performance of tests using the following U.S. EPA methods:
- Method 1: Location of Sampling Points
- Method 2: Velocity Traverse
- Method 3: Gas Profile
- Method 4: Moisture Content
- Method 5: Particulate Load
- Method 6: Sulfur Dioxide
- Method 6C: Sulfur Dioxide (Instrumented Method)
- Method 7E: Oxides of Nitrogen (Instrumented Method)
- Method 29: Multiple Metals
Source test components used by Aerocomp in the field are the proven industry standard. Primary equipment includes the control console, sample case, probe assembly, and glassware. The control console monitors source test variables such as volume flow, temperature, and time — insuring isokinetic sampling for Method 5. Enclosed within the control unit is a fiber vane pump that draws the flue gas through the train. The control console is connected to the sample case by means of an umbilical cable containing gas lines and thermocouple connections. The sample case contains the glassware and supports the probe during sampling; it is composed of the heated filter box and the impinger bucket.

Attached directly to the sample case is the probe assembly. It consists of a stainless steel sheath protecting the heated pyrex liner. During a test, the probe is fitted with a pyrex nozzle attached by means of a Teflon union. In addition to nozzle and liner, the glassware consists of filter assembly, impingers, and connecting tube sections.
Various other equipment are used during a typical source test including gas analyzers, communication gear, lanyards, respiratory protection, and a portable computer. Furthermore, preparation and recovery of the sampling train requires laboratory supplies, appliances, and reagents. Aerocomp source testers receive classroom training and field experience in the theory and practice of stack sampling. Our technicians are certified in the operation and train recovery for U.S. EPA Methods 1 through 7 and 29. Recent projects include performance testing of ovens and boilers, testing at smelters, cement and asphalt plants, at both U.S. and Latin American industrial sites.